Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hidamari no Ki Episode 04 - Before the Storm -

I've been wanting to subtitle this series for a long time, but due to lack of raws, have been unable to do so.  I finally came across some low quality source material, so figured I'd give it a go.  My apologies for the low quality, but it's the best that's out there aside from real expensive DVDs.  Better than nothing right?  Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think.

Hidamari no Ki 04 Torrent

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3


  1. Infinite thanks for subbing this great buried treasure!!

  2. I cannot tell you how much your efforts will be appreciated. I watched the first three and waited and waited and waited. I look forward to your translations of this fine series, low quality or not. Thank you so very much!

  3. Oh, God. Thank you so much.

  4. You guys are fantastic, just letting you know.

  5. Looks like it was dropped again...ah well.

  6. Please, please continue to translate this series!

  7. I have the 2nd DVD that has episodes 4-6. If you need a better source or assistance with editing/timing, let me know. Contact me at:
